- Intracellular Delivery and Cellular Regulation Based on Peptide Chemistry
- 本研究室では、ペプチド化学を基盤にした細胞内導入・薬物送達の技術開発として以下の研究を展開しています。
I. 膜透過性ペプチドの開発と薬物送達への応用
Development of cell-penetrating peptides for cytosolic delivery of therapeutic/ diagnostic molecules

細胞内リソソームで分解される前に、高効率に細胞膜を通過し、サイトゾルへ薬物を送達できる運搬体として、膜透過性ペプチド(cell-penetrating peptides, CPPs)をデザイン・合成しています。また応用研究として、光濃縮技術やインクジェットプリンター技術等を用いた、標的細胞内へのCPPsを基盤とした薬物導入法の開発も行なっています。
We design and synthesize cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) as carriers that allow target drugs to pass through the cell membrane with high efficiency and be delivered to the cytosol before being degraded in intracellular lysosomes. We are also developing intracellular delivery techniques using e.g., photo-concentration and inkjet printer technology.
II. 機能性ペプチド修飾型エクソソームを基盤とした薬物送達システムの開発
Biofunctional peptide-modified exosomes for intracellular delivery of therapeutic molecules

In order to selectively deliver functional molecules that can control cell functions into cells, we are developing intracellular delivery system by effective usage of cell-secreted vesicles “exosomes” with artificial modification of functional peptides on exosomal membrane to achieve high efficiency for receptor targeting and intracellular delivery.
III. 分子認識ヘリックス-ループ-ヘリックス(HLH)ペプチドの開発と細胞機能制御・薬物送達応用
Development of helix-loop-helix (HLH) peptides with molecular recognition for cell regulation and delivery of functional molecules

Development (screening/synthesis) of helix-loop-helix (HLH) peptides (molecular weight: ~4,000) with molecular recognition function (comparable to antibodies) for e.g., receptor targeting, protein-protein interaction inhibition, and delivery of therapeutic/ diagnostic molecules to control/visualize cellular functions especially in cancer cells.
IV. ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(BNCT)における薬物送達技術の開発
Intracellular delivery system of boron compounds for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)

ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(boron neutron capture therapy, BNCT)において、がん細胞内への治療用ホウ素化合物の導入を助けるペプチド化学を活用した技術構築(細胞標的、細胞内移行の効率促進、オルガネラ標的等)を研究展開しています。
In boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), we are developing technology using peptide chemistry (cell targeting, enhanced cellular internalization efficiency, organelle targeting, etc.) to help introduce therapeutic boron compounds into cancer cells.
V. 細胞治療を指向した人工受容体-リガンドシステムの開発
Cell manipulation system using artificial receptor-ligand peptides for cell therapy

“Cell therapy” is a technology that elicits therapeutic effects by directly transplanting functional cells useful for disease treatment into the body. In this research, we aim to design and construct an artificial receptor that can be specifically activated using artificially developed functional peptides and nanomaterials that do not exist in living organisms, and to establish a system that can remotely control cell functions.